I know with last post I was only 24 weeks prego and now my baby bump is already 3 weeks old. I know how much people like to read about birth stories so I figured I would back track and give you Nolans.
So at 6:21pm on Monday June 6th I felt my first contraction. At first I wasn't sure if it was a real contraction or just a strong braxton hicks since with Sophia my contractions were very strong from the first one. So three contractions later that were 5-6 minutes apart I was sure I was in labor so I let Adam know. After about an hour of contractions Adam called his mom who lives in Blythe and let her know that she should start heading our way. Adam kept saying to me, "Are you sure your in labor?" Since he also could tell that my constractions were not as strong as they had been with Sophia and they were also iregular. So I assured him that yes I was in labor.
After about 2 hours of contractions though they started getting further apart and some times were even 11 minutes apart. I noticed that when I would sit or lay down that my contractions would stop, but the moment I stood up I would have a contraction. So I was either pacing back and forth and kneeling on the ground with my head laying on my bed to keep my contractions going. After 5 hours of labor my contractions went from being about every 5-10 minutes to every 3-4 minutes and they were definetly getting stronger. So after an hour of that I told Adam that I was ready to go to the hospital so he called my doctor and told him we were on our way.
The hospital is about 25 minutes from our house with light traffic and luckily at 12:15 in the morning there isn't really any traffic. While riding in the car to the hospital I am starting to feel pressure. By the time we get to the hospital my contartions are about every 3 minutes and lasting a minute to a minute and a half long.
So we stop by the registration desk to let them know we are there and that process takes a few minutes, but feels like forever. Then we go upstairs to labor and delivery and my mother in law has to wait outside the security doors while I am in traige since you are only allowed to have one person with you.
So once we get settled into traige and the nurse exams me she says, "Wow you are already 7 cm and have a very bulgy bag". I was very proud of myself that I had labored at home for 6 hours and then of course the 30 minutes in the car. My goal this whole time was to go natural. While in Triage I began going through transition and let me tell you that is some SERIOUS PAIN. That is when I started to loose it and say "I can't do this!" While the nurse is telling me, " But you are doing so good." Well after 20 minutes of being monitored the nurse says, "Ok, lets have you walk down to labor and delivery". And I am thinking walk, ya right. I told the nurse that I needed a minute, well the next contraction hit and I yelled " I need to push!" So then Adam and the nurse are yelling "Don't push, don't push, just breathe, just breathe!" Well the urge to push was strong that there was no way I could stop it. So I pushed and felt this pop as my water broke and then Nolans head quickly came up and plugged it.
The nurse hit the page button, but no one answered so she told Adam to go out into the hall and get her a nurse. All the while she is telling me "please don't make me deliver this baby, please don't make me deliver this baby". Adam comes back into triage with a nurse and the triage nurse tells her that she doesn't want to deliver in triage so they begin wheeling me down to labor and delivery all the while saying, "Please don't push, please don't push." It was funny though as they were running me down the hall the triage nurse was yelling "run blondy, run!" to the other nurse. Luckily just the feeling of the air going over me relaxed me and I didn't have another contraction til they got me into labor and delivery. Once in there the nurses started saying "Where is Dr. Anderson? He only lives 5 miles away?" With my second push I was in the "ring of fire" and with my third Nolan was out.
Oh and I forgot the part about my mother in law. All the while everything was happening she was still behind the security doors waiting to be let in so once the nurses started running me down the hall Adam went to get his mom and told her, "the baby is coming right now, lets go". And luckily they both made it into the room to see Nolan be born @ 1:24am. And the whole process of running me down the hall and Nolan being born was about a minute and a half and yes the nurse had to deliver him.
What I couldn't believe is that it took about 25 minutes for me to deliver the after birth and my doctor still wasn't there. But he did get there in time to stitch me up. Yes, I tore again, but Nolan had his hand up by his face when he came out and the umbilical around his wrist and kneck holding it up there, so I believe that if that wouldn't have been the case then I probably wouldn't have torn. Luckily it was only a second degree tear.
Nolan weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 20" long. And after the Pediatrician examined him that morning he said that he was definelty overcooked by how peely his skin was already. So instead of being born at 39 weeks and 5 days he was more than likely born at 40weeks and 5 days. I knew I felt over 40 weeks pregnant.
First Family Photo
Three Generations
Nolan is so much easier than Sophia was as a newborn and I am so greatful for that. He is a great eater and sleeps better than she ever did during her first year. He started taking a pacifier again which has made putting him to sleep so easy. I just wrap him in hs miracle blanket that I just got on Tuesday and pop his binkie in his mouth and he drifts off to sleep.
Well it is now 3 weeks later and I have adjusted very well to being a mommy of two. It was great having Adam home for the first two weeks and my mother-in-law stayed with us the first week and did all the cooking, cleaning, and helped entertain Sophia. I really am blessed to have a mother-in-law that I am so close with and is willing to take time off work to help us out.
Sophia had a hard time those first to weeks since she is very sensitive to her routine and is use to mommy doing mostly everything for her. So now she has daddy and her grandma's doing things for her and playing with her and she did not handle that change so well. She began acting out and everything became a struggle. And after a few days of being home I started doing her bed time routine with her again and she was still fighting me. This really overwhemed me and made me sad. " What had happened to my sweet little girl?" She was always very sweet to Nolan so I was very happy that she wasn't taking it out on him. Well the Monday Adam went back to work, Sophia went back to her normal sweet self now that her environment and routine was back to normal.
My Sweet BoyNolan is so much easier than Sophia was as a newborn and I am so greatful for that. He is a great eater and sleeps better than she ever did during her first year. He started taking a pacifier again which has made putting him to sleep so easy. I just wrap him in hs miracle blanket that I just got on Tuesday and pop his binkie in his mouth and he drifts off to sleep.
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